Friday, November 23, 2007


きのうはサンクスギビングデー です。友達と一緒に映画を見ました。(Actually we we were supposed to go to her aunt's place for dinner, but at the last moment she didn't want to.) コーイン兄弟(Coen brothers)のあたらしいえいがは"No Country for Old Men"です。ぼうりょくシーンがたくさんありました!チーグルさん(Javier Bardem)はハンターキラー です。ぶきはとてもおもしろいですよ!Cattle gun です!

Monday, November 19, 2007

The ending from "The Thomas Crown Affair"

Ok, so I have a Buddhism midterm tomorrow, but I need a break - my head feels like bursting - so I'm posting this. Its a clip of the brilliant, brilliant ending from the 1999 remake of "The Thomas Crown Affair".


Here's what's going down: Crown (Pierce Brosnan) has to return a painting to the Metropolitan Museum - Monet's "San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk" - which he's pilfered earlier. The police, however, have been tipped off by Catherine Banning (Rene Russo) and are lying in wait, a fact he's fully anticipated, and to circumvent which he has devised an ingenious scheme involving blatant copyright infringement of Rene Magritte's 1964 painting "Son of Man", with its iconic image of a suited man in a bowler hat, features obscured by a green apple - so popular even my friend Kaythi decided to rip it off for Halloween this year (see below). The entire scene is scored to Nina Simone's rousing rendition of "Sinnerman", an absolutely inspired choice under the circumstances, as you'll see.

Enjoy !

Saturday, November 17, 2007


ことしハローウィンに友達と一緒にパレードへいきました。たのしいでしたが、ひとがとてもおおいでした。みんなさんのコスチューム はいいでしたよ。友達がはち人います。ヤープさんはFlintstonesのPebblesです、パーんさんはフランス.マイドです。それからわtしたちはばんごはんをたべました。

Friday, November 16, 2007


これはともだちのハローウィン.コスチューム です。ハーンさんはRene Magritteの"Son of Man"です。Magritteさんはフランスじんのがかでした。とてもいいコスチュームですね!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ok, so this is the first post on my Japanese blog in a LONG time. (すみません!) I've been so caught up with midterms and papers that blogging just slipped my mind. But since we're being made to sit in class and actually do this, it's all good.



Thursday, October 18, 2007



Saturday, October 13, 2007


昨日友達と一緒にDavid Cronenbergのあたらしい映画を見ました。えいがはEastern Promisesです。おかしなえいがです.

英語で:Basically it had a bunch of Russian mobsters running around downtown London bumping people off in public with total impunity. It was supposed to be a thriller - I think - but the disbelief-suspension factor was simply too strong. Its a fine line between creative licence and a total lack of verisimilitude.

それからSaigon Grillでべトナムりょうりをたべました。ベトナムコーヒーを飲みました。ドリップコーヒーでした。とてもおいしかったです!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Sylvie Vartan

私のお気に入りの歌手です。Sylvie Vartan はフランス人です。この歌は "La Plus Belle Pour Aller Danser" です。


先週の金曜日にWhitney美術館とMoMAへいきました。それからうちで作文をかきにかえりました。でもテレビをみました。土曜日にButler図書館で書きました。作文のだいはRobert Rauschenbergの"Bed"です。難しですよ!じゅうじにともだちはとしょかんへきました。ひとばんじゅうButlerとしょかんでいました。にちようびのあさしちじにうちへかえりました。ねませんでした。さくぶんをかきませんでしたから、今週とても宿題をします。

Thursday, October 4, 2007



Wednesday, October 3, 2007



Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Practice Makes Perfect (or so we've been told), aka Fourth Post

Today's assignment: to consider what makes for a good blog (or otherwise).

As far as this class is concerned - or the Japanese language, for that matter - I guess keeping a blog allows for additional practice, outside of mandatory class exercises and homework, with the freedom to try making the lessons applicable personally, ie. to oneself. Granted, at this stage there isn't much to be done with our very limited skills, but, still, its good to at least try. :)

Oh, and the knowledge that this isn't being subjected to close scrutiny (as opposed to, say, a friendly eye out for mistakes) and grading helps enormously.

Renshuushimashoo !

Monday, September 24, 2007

Third Post

So we learned something new and very pertinent (at least to me, at this stage) in class today: to add the particle "ni" after specific expressions of time and days of the week. It is the polite thing to do, which is to say it is the Japanese thing to do. Good to know. I went back and added it - or them, since there were two - to the previous post: "Toyoobi ni ...", "Nichiyoobi ni ..."

Watashi no nihongo wa (ga?) koutenshimasu !

Second Post

Senshuu wa kibun ga warui deshita. :(

It was a particularly virulent strain of the flu, apparently. Felt better over the weekend though. Thank goodness.

Toyoobi ni tomodachi to isshoni Metropolitan bijutsukan ni ikimashita. "The Age of Rembrandt" (tokubetsuten) o mimashita. Otte nihonshoku no resutoran ni ikimashita. Watashi wa negima o tabemashita. Oryoori wa maamaa deshita. (Pity ...) Nichiyoobi ni nihongo no eega mite, nihongo no shukudai o shimashita. Eega wa Ozu Yasujiro no "Banshun" deshita.

First Post (again)

Apologies for starting over with a new blog - as it turns out I had problems accessing the old one because I'd made a mistake with my e-mail address (go figure how that happened). So I'm posting my first entry again, and replying to subsequent comments made:


This is a rather odd exercise ... Anyways, here goes:

Watashi no namae wa Louis desu.

Columbia Daigaku no gakusei desu.

Kyoo wa suiyoobi desu. Otenki wa hare desu. Yay !


Comment No.1 :

Fukai said...

Why do you say it's an odd exercise??? I'm just curious...

Yes, we indeed had a great weather yesterday, didn't we? It's a shame that we had to stay inside...

Look forward to reading your posts soon!

2007/09/13 7:51

Reply: Well, its just we haven't done very much so far - although I understand from friends who've taken this class before that we're going to pick up the pace pretty soon - so I don't have too much to say, either in Japanese or English. I'm sure once we really get going I'll have plenty to share.

Comment No.2 :

ダニエル said...
さいきん、まいにちいいてんきですね? have you been in class recently?

2007/09/18 23:36


Nope, was down with the flu all of last week. Much better now though ! :)