Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Practice Makes Perfect (or so we've been told), aka Fourth Post

Today's assignment: to consider what makes for a good blog (or otherwise).

As far as this class is concerned - or the Japanese language, for that matter - I guess keeping a blog allows for additional practice, outside of mandatory class exercises and homework, with the freedom to try making the lessons applicable personally, ie. to oneself. Granted, at this stage there isn't much to be done with our very limited skills, but, still, its good to at least try. :)

Oh, and the knowledge that this isn't being subjected to close scrutiny (as opposed to, say, a friendly eye out for mistakes) and grading helps enormously.

Renshuushimashoo !


Emi said...

You might want to use expressions and phrases you learn in the class here. I think it will be a fun way to learn Japanese. れんしゅうがんばってください。

jusdeananas said...

Who is this ?