Monday, September 24, 2007

Third Post

So we learned something new and very pertinent (at least to me, at this stage) in class today: to add the particle "ni" after specific expressions of time and days of the week. It is the polite thing to do, which is to say it is the Japanese thing to do. Good to know. I went back and added it - or them, since there were two - to the previous post: "Toyoobi ni ...", "Nichiyoobi ni ..."

Watashi no nihongo wa (ga?) koutenshimasu !


yukki said...

What do you mean by "polite thing to do"? You mean, adding に after specific time expressions is polite?

jusdeananas said...

Yep. Sensei mentioned in class that adding "ni" is a polite expression, as opposed to doing without, which is casual - or colloquial I guess.

yukki said...

I now understand what you meant. "Colloquial" or "casual" doesn't mean that it's not polite. I would say by adding に after 〜ようび, you make an expression more complete, that's all. It doesn't necessarily mean に makes it nicer than without.

jusdeananas said...

Right. Raja ! Doomo.